Thursday, July 4, 2024

My journey through Dog Listening

I had stopped going to the obedience club, which made Tov a bit calmer. I stopped going for long walks, as he was very worried on all walks.

I understand why he was so worried. He had seen my husband disappear from the pack. As he did not see him die, I could not tell him what happened. I had without knowing it given Tov the job of being the pack leader. With Dog Listening I was changing this bit by bit. I had started to behave in a way that would make him by his own free will elect me his pack leader.

The reason he was so worried was that in his mind he had the responsibility for my well fare. He had already lost one pack member (my husband) and he saw him braking down very quickly by his illness and there was nothing he could do. Now I was taking this responsibility away from him, bit by bit, area by area. He started to become more and more calm. I still see a progress in his behaviour, he becomes more and more calm. The reason for this is that I am behaving in a way that makes him be able to trust me with his life. I show him that I am the most intelligent, the most experienced, the fittest, the strongest member of this pack. I show him this by just following the rules of Dog Listening keeping very calm. I do not use violence or force or even raise my voice to him, but I calmly just show him that he can trust me with his life.

The reason this works is that we have our language, but dogs have a different language. The more I learn about their language, the better our communication becomes and the more we understand each other. It is easier for me to learn his language than for him to learn my language as I am more intelligent and experienced than he is.

This language is what I want to help others learning. I have explained about how I can help you on my first page.

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