Thursday, July 4, 2024

Home consultation

I had read Tony's first book "Think Like A Dog". I learned a lot from that book. This was a big advantage to me when he came home to me, as I then already knew a little bit. He went through the four areas of Dog Listening and I learned even more as he taught me. Some parts he had to show me more than ones. He was very patient with me. After he left, I started to change my habits, little by little, one area at a time. It was a long process before I had all areas in place. I remember that when I started with the first area of my choice, Tov reacted positively within one hour of trying. It was amazing to see the transformation in my otherwise so nervous dog. For the first time, he went into the bedroom, climbed the bed and lied down with a very loud sigh of relief. All this time I had Tony helping me through every stage until I had it right.

Till this day, I notice that my dogs are improving their behaviour because I give the right answer to every question they ask.

There were new situations coming up when I had to ask Tony how I should do things. For example when Tov and I moved, things to think about regarding this. I was very happy that all Dog Listeners give lifetime support, which meant that I had Tony's support up until just recently. 

When you first find out what to do and how to answer your dog's questions, it can take time to get things right. As long as you see an improvement in your dog's behaviour, you are on the right path. It is important to be patient with yourself.

If you would like to have my help in any of this, I am happy to help. Please refer back to my first page of this blog.

My otherwise so nervous Doberman after the consultation with Tony and after I had a bit of practice on Dog Listening. Perfect! 

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