

Monday, July 15, 2024

Tora, my little rescue

I was looking for a playmate to Tov. I found a little Bull Arab cross, who I named Tora. When she came to me she was 10 weeks old and she had been an orphan for 5 weeks already, due to the council here. They killed her mother because of a human error. I was not impressed with them at all.

Tora was very sick when she came to me. She had ticks, lies, fleece and a belly full of worms. I took her to the vet the day after I got her and they gave her medication to get rid of all the parasites she had. As she had never been indoors, but spent her first 10 weeks in a small cage outside, with human contact only during feeding times 3 times a day, she was very dirty when she came.

Due to that Tora only had had her mother for 5 weeks, she had not received the education she would normally have gotten from her mother. This resulted in her not having any manners at all. I was lucky that I had been studying so much about puppies already then, so I knew how to be a surrogate mother and how to teach her using her own language which she was born with.

In the beginning, at 10 weeks, she would Gesture Eat for me. This resulted in her not eating hardly anything the first day. I had to do the Gesture Eating process 4 times with about an hour in between, before she ate her whole meal. After that I have not had any problems with her not wanting to eat. The tricky part was to give her the right amount, so she could keep it all and grow healthy. Now, I have succeeded, she does not look like a ribcage on legs anymore, she looks like a well fed, healthy dog. Her fur is shiny now. It was very matte when she came and she stank. Now, she smells like roses, which is her natural smell, coming from her.

This is Tora the first evening she was with me. She was very scared of everything. She is still scared of certain objects like paper and the broom. She is scared of the wind, but not of the thunder. She can walk out in the middle of a severe thunderstorm, making me very worried about her safety. Now, i close the door during thunderstorms, so my dogs do not wonder out. I do not want them to be electrocuted.

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