

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Dog's questions

This is Tora when she grew up.

When ever a new dog comes into the pack, or a new human for that matter, or even if someone move, our dogs will ask questions about where do I fit in into the pack? Am I the leader or at the bottom, or somewhere between the two?

When our dogs ask these questions it is important that we give them the right answer. However, first we need to understand what the dogs are doing. A question by a dog can in many people's eyes look like poor behaviour. However, this poor behaviour is very important to the dog. This is the way they are asking questions about where they fit in and who is the leader in the pack.

If we answer in a way that the dog can comprehend and understand, we will have a harmonious relationship with our dog. The answer is going to be different, depending on what the question is. In most cases, if not in all, our response should be that we are ignoring the dog. As soon as we react to something they do, we have told them that they are our leaders and that they have all the responsibility for the safety and welfare of the pack.

If we look around us, we see that not much around us where most of us live is not natural and very hard for our dogs to comprehend. They cannot pay rent and go shopping for food. It is absolutely impossible for them. This why we, the two legged ones have to take the full responsibility of the pack. We do that when we give our dogs the right answer and they as a result elect us leaders.

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