Monday, July 8, 2024


Before I started Dog Listening, I did not know at all how to discipline any dog. My husband sometimes hit my dog and ones he kicked him out of our bed, so he screamed. These are horrible memories. My husband told me to hit Tov, but I never managed to do it. I have learned that if we are not nice to our dogs, they will not be nice back. Hitting, screaming and yelling or worse do not help at all, however, it can make things a lot worse.

If we are not nice to our dogs, but treat them disrespectfully, they will treat us the same way because they will lose trust in us. In the wild a mean leader is often killed by its pack, however, that leader has to be mean for a long time before the pack decide to do something about it. This can happen to us also. We sometimes hear about it in the news, unfortunately. We then only get one side of the story, we never find out what the dog went through, probably for a long time before the incident.

When I started with Dog Listening, I found the perfect way to discipline any dog. I isolated Tov from myself. As he had separation anxiety, the Time Out became only 5 seconds long. If that did not help, I did it again, but slightly longer. Now, if I have to discipline him, it is often enough with about 15 seconds. I think most dogs need to be isolated for a minute or two to get the message.

I write more about this in my book, that you can find on my first page.

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